07 May 2011

Taco Salad and Thoughts..

I have not posted since our anniversary, so I thought that I would post just a little something. Easter was a fun even for Josh and I this year. We dressed up for church....it was fun to buy a new dress and shoes for Easter, something that I have not done in a very long time. Josh even decided that since I was dressed up, that he would wear a tie. It was really cute! After church, we went over to our friends' house to eat lunch with some of the couples in our Sunday school class... it was such a good time of laughter and getting to know more great couples!

Life has been relatively quiet, but I have been spending as much time with my sister and her twins as I possibly can! I spent almost the whole week of Spring break with them and have seen them about once a week since then. I am constantly shock and amazed at how much they grow and change from week to week. And I am ever thankful that my sister and bro-in-law allow me to come and crash their constant "twin-party." Being able to be there, snuggle them, change diapers, play during tummy-time and just enjoy stolen moments are truly a blessing. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed our family, and especially my sister and bro-in-law with these two gorgeous babies! What a joy the past 8 weeks has been!

Taco Salad anyone? Josh and I have a love for mexican food, but we love to make taco salad together. I am always in charge of the salad part.. chopping the veggies, making the salads pretty and getting the shells ready. Josh handles the meat and the baking of the shells. We make it a team effort, which always makes cooking more fun! We do tend to cheat when it come to the guacamole... but you can't skimp when it comes to the salsa and sour cream!!! What is not to love about the fresh veggies, hot taco meat, tasty guac, spicy salsa and creamy sour cream!!??!!

Now, go and enjoy a yummy, tasty, taco salad for yourself! :)

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