14 December 2009

Taste and see that the Lord is good..

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. Psalm 34:7-9

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

07 December 2009

December 7, 2001

8 years ago today..

I miss my Granny so much. She had such spark. She was witty and bright, so full of life and love for her family. Granny had a funny wheezing laugh, that made others join in. I always gave her a run for her money.. I sassed her and she took it in stride, loving our similar spunky personalities. She treasured my sister and I above all possessions, that we were certain of. Kelly and my constant bickering and sarcasm made her laugh and join.

I have so many funny memories of her..
..Granny asked me to shovel the snow on the porch while we were visiting their home in Minnesota and I responded,"If you give me a little dollar" and she did!
..She wouldn't let me roller blade without my mom being home, but I could ride my bike!
..She always wore a terrycloth sunbathing onesie at our house when she'd visit, so she could sunbathe..
..I would run to Granny when Grumpa would make me so mad I cried, and then I'd laugh the whole time she fussed at him for it..
..Kelly and I would take her reading glasses and pretend we were Granny..
..During one argument of sorts, I told Granny, "Leave me alone, you old lady!" haha! She thought it was so funny.. and I was serious! But I always had her laughing at me.. no matter how sassy or disrespectful I was, she found me hilarious!
..Granny gave Kelly and I money every time we shopped with her, she spoiled us... but, I think I was the only rotten one!

I have found ways of carrying her with me. This picture is from my wedding day. I wore my Granny's emerald and diamond pendant on a chain my Aunt Carrie bought for me. And I am currently wearing the ring that matches. Granny's memory is cherished and sacred. Kelly and I were truly blessed to have gotten to know her and be spoiled by her. I wish that our younger cousins, Andrew and Elizabeth had gotten the time with her that Kelly and I did. Granny was a special lady. And I miss her today.

20 September 2009

None but Jesus

None but Jesus:

In the quiet
In the stillness
I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored
When You call i won't refuse
Each new day again I'll choose

There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise

In the chaos in confusion
I know You're sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will
When You call I won't delay
This my song through all my days

All my delight is in You Lord
All of my hope
All of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord
Forever more

We sang this in service this morning. Its one of those songs that I have had on repeat so many times.. one that I truly am unhinged, unyielding, undignified, and unable to hold back from. This song screams the cry of my heart in so many moments of my life. "In the chaos in confusion, I know You're sovereign still." A phrase so similar to this has been my breath of prayer. The simple truth that the Lord is sovereign, holds me together. "There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.." I long for this to be true for me, for all my days. Is it true for you?

14 September 2009

He is jealous for me..

What a mind blowing sentiment.. the Lord is jealous of our love, our attention, our worship, our time...

..just think about it.

18 June 2009

wrapped in love..

Today, Josh and I received a package. When he told me over the phone of the package waiting with my name on it, I was instantly curious. After asking about the package, who from, etc. I still had no clue what the package could be. So, I called my mom. I figured if a family member was sending a package, they'd called her for the address. Turns out, my Grandma had give my mom the tracking number to the package she had just put in the mail for my Tuesday! After learning this tid-bit of info, I knew exactly what it was! MY QUILT! My Grandma makes a quilt for each grandchild when they get married. Grandma started mine sometime in 2007, during the time of m engagement, after I'd picked out colors for our home. So, a little over a year after I'm married.. here it is!! Better late than never, and I'd rather have this quilt than most things anyone could give me! My Grandma is my hero, and this quilt is just a small token of her love, a little reminder that I am wrapped in her love on a daily basis. What a reminder that is of how Christ has wrapped us in HIS love! The quilt has an "enscription" on the bottom:
Jackie + Josh ~(^)~ March 29 2008
..the funky symbol is my attempt at the flower between our names and our wedding date. Wow, what a gift!

16 June 2009


A week ago a wonderful, God-fearing woman went home to be with the Lord. Though my heart is sad, I rejoice in knowing that I will see her again one day. DeAnna was diagnosed with cancer in 2004, and had been in remission twice since then. The fall of 2008, she was diagnosed with cancer again. She had a tumor removed, and was sent to Indiana for an aggressive treatment. Upon her return, her doctors informed her that her body was not responding to treatment and that this cancer was going to be terminal. She took this news with grace, and Praised the Lord that she would have some more time with her family and friends. I have never experienced such unwavering faith. DeAnna was a true inspiration. I am proud to call her friend, and mostly, my sister in Christ.

30 May 2009

How He Loves Us

Yet another worship song that the Lord has used in recapturing my heart for Him...

He is jealous for me
Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful You are and how great your affections are for me.
Oh, how He loves us so
Oh, how He loves us
How He loves us so.

Yeah, He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves.

So we are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss and my heart turns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way

That he loves us,
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves

He loves us,
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves

..the picture is one I took a couple years ago at the Disciple Now conference. My girls holding their hands out in surrender to the Lord.. in worship.

27 May 2009

The Glory Of It All

David Crowder Band's Remedy is in my car cd player at the moment.. here is one of the songs on it that has touched my heart..

"The Glory Of It All"

At the start
He was there
He was there
In the end
He'll be there
He'll be there
And after all
Our hands have wrought
He forgives

Oh, the glory of it all
Is He came here
For the rescue of us all
That we may live
For the glory of it all
Oh, the glory of it all

All is lost
Find Him there
Find Him there
After night
Dawn is there
Dawn is there
And after all
Falls apart
He repairs
He repairs

Oh, He is here
With redemption from the fall
That we may live
For the glory of it all
Oh, the glory of it all

After night
Comes a light
Dawn is here
Dawn is here
It's a new day, a new day
Oh, everything will change
Things will never be the same
We will never be the same

Oh, everything will change
Things will never be the same
We will never be same

..The Lord never ceases to amaze me. He sent His ONLY son here, to die for you and I. I love how the song states, "And after all Our hands have wrought, He forgives." We do not deserve the forgiveness offered to us, but still He offers it freely.

I love praising the Lord in the car. No one can hear, or see.. there is a private moment with my King and me. I get to be at His feet in worship..

22 May 2009


After spending a long weekend at the beach with Josh's wonderful family.. his grandparents, and two aunts and uncles.. I began to really miss my own family..

Tonight I called my grandparents, which I try to do often. If I don't get around to calling, I email or send a card. I don't think I realized how much of an impact they've really had on my life until recently. Growing up in church, spending time with them in God's Word, working with Campers on Mission with them, being prayed for daily, getting the greatest hugs in the whole world when I see them.. they are a true blessing. My grandparents are the most God-fearing, Christ-centered, loving people I know. They have always done for others, tried their hardest to provide for the needs of all of their family (and we have a huge family!).

My Grandma told me tonight that she loves me more that I could know. She prays for Josh and I daily. And that her family is the single most important thing on this earth. I told her in response that I love her very much.. she then responded, "believe me, we feel your love even though the distance between us is great, we feel it." How can she know exactly what I need to hear? The reassurance that she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love her. And that she loves me. Because she's my Grandma. She knows my heart, and the things that I need even when I don't know that I need them. She is my hero. How did Grandpa know after only a couple minutes of conversation that I needed Grandma? Because he is my Grandpa. He knows the inner workings of my soul.. he knows with I need before I do. He has been there, the silent encourager and Christ-centered man in my life. He is my hero.

Josh does not understand why I cry after talking to them on the phone.. but they are my Grandparents, my family, my heart. I miss them everyday.. and wish we did not live 14 hours away. But they are in my heart and I am in theirs. I feel their love, as they feel mine.

Thank you, Lord, for my Grandma and Grandpa..

12 May 2009

i carry your heart with me

by: ee cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)

i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want

no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

29 March 2009

a year.. a WHOLE year..

Today we have been married a year! And what a year it has been.. full of laughter, tears, smiles and fears.. and Lord has pulled us through it all! He has sustained us, and has shaped us.. HE is to Praise for our wonderful marriage!

In celebration... Friday we went to dinner with Ryan and Lori Beth, what a treasure they are to us! We are thankful for their friendship! Saturday we spent the afternoon and evening with our Sunday School Class, working a service project and then relaxing together and fellowshipping! The Lord has blessed us with a welcoming class, and given me the opportunity to reconnect with good friends! Sunday (today).. Josh and I skipped church (shame, shame.. I know), we spent the day with Amy and Cameron.. we drove up the camp that Cameron will be working at this summer and toured and fished and spent a wonderful day with great friends! They have been such a blessing through both the good times and bad.. encouraging, praying, and supporting us in ways that we never imagined. Josh and I a underserving of the blessings if great friendships that Lord has bestowed on us! We are so thankful that our anniversary weekend could be spent with so many people who have touched our lives.. we are thankful.

09 February 2009

recent happenings

In the past few weeks we've had snow TWICE.. this never happens in North Carolina! Both times I was out of work, which allowed for a good morning of quality time for Josh and I. We took a walk in the snow and took pictures of our snow-covered house. Two relaxing days of hot chocolate and movies.. what a wonderful way to spend a day!

In other news.. Josh got a job! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! He started on Friday, February 6th! He will be working at an unloading company owed by a good friend of ours. He worked there over a year ago, and is glad to be going back to a place he knows and is comfortable at. We are adjusting to the schedule, Josh has to be there at 5am, and it takes about 20-30 minutes to get to the warehouse from our house... so 4am comes early for us. I've had a hard time getting back to sleep after he leaves, so there are adjustments to be made... ones we are glad to make! The Lord knows how to time things perfectly, not a moment too soon! We are so thankful for all of your prayers and support! God is good!

"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

27 January 2009

10 months of marriage..

I can hardly believe that in 2 days Josh and I will have been married for 10 months.. its been a blur! What a ride we've been on... we've had days of laughing until our sides hurt, crying until we fall asleep, fighting until we're blue in the face, and sitting in utter silence- just to enjoy each others company. In our 10 months of marriage we've lost jobs, gained jobs, gone back to school, aimed to finish a degree, looked forward to the future, glanced back at the past, held onto each other, ran hard after God, fallen more in love with each other with each passing day.. and realized we wouldn't want to be on this roller coaster of life with any other partner.

Looking forward to the rest of our lives together....

10 January 2009

Cheap date..

Josh and I rarely find the time or the funds to go out on dates, but we decided that having a "date night" needs to be a priority for us. A light-hearted night.. no discussing finances or school, or any stresses that we discuss on a daily basis.. just a night to enjoy each others company. So, we went on our first date of the new year last night! We decided that we'd go see a movie at the Gem theater, which is like 2 miles from our house.. plus movies before 6pm are $3 and after 6pm they are $5.. I must say, who can pass up a $6 date? So, we went an saw the 4:30pm showng of Marley and Me, of course I cried.. and Josh was a little choked-up.. it was a great movie! After our cheap movie we came home and made a frozen pizza for dinner and relaxed on the couch together, which was special. Usually one of us in the chair and the other is stretched out on the couch, so seeing as it was a date night, we made a point to sit together. The rest of the evening we just watched t.v. and relaxed.. Josh went to bed early.. while I stayed up and enjoyed the quiet comfort of our home. What a wonderful way to spend the end of your day... with the one you love.